Eve Online Guide - Guide To Fully Master All Aspects Of Eve Online
2011-05-19 11:41
Discover What You Need To Know About Golf Games Online
2011-05-18 11:17
Some Terran Strategies That Work Well Against Zerg
2011-05-17 09:23
(Starcraft 2) Protoss Vs Protoss - How to Defend and Counter Photon Cannon Cheesy Rush
2011-05-16 10:43
Have Fun With Arcade Flash Games
2011-05-10 14:09
Busan Will be the Host City for the WCG 2011 Grand Final
2011-05-09 16:00WCG Official Website yesterday has announced Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea as the WCG 2011 Grand Final host city. Elite gamers from all around the world will flock to the Busan Exhibition & Convention Center (BEXCO) this December to compete for the title of world's best gamer. The WCG 2011 Grand Final will be held from December 8th (Thursday) to December 11th (Sunday).
WCG2011 Grand Final game titles:
RTS: | StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne League of Legends |
RCG: | FIFA 2011 |
FPS: | Special Force Counter-Strike 1.6 Crossfire |
FTG: | Tekken 6 |
MMORPG: | World of Warcraft: Cataclysm |
WCG 2011 promotional game titles:
Carom3D (Neoact, Sports)
Lost Saga (IO Entertainment, Action)
Dungeon Fighter Online(Neople, MMORPG)
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Mini World of Warcraft Mining Guide From Valkor Gold Making Guide
2011-05-05 14:04So you want to do some mining in World of Warcraft, but don know where to go to make a lot of gold? Valkor's Gold Making Guide provides a few tips on how to improve your mining skill and the best World of Warcraft Mining locations. These locations are the places where you can maximize your time and get a good amount of gold in return.
Instead of starting out with World of Warcraft mining locations that provide only a little return, let look at some places where you can really bring in the gold from mining. The ore we are going to mine is Thorium. This ore alone sells for a good price at the Auction House (8-10 gold per stack), but one of the added bonuses of mining Thorium is the chance to get an Arcane Crystal. These crystals can sell for 15-18 gold each at the Auction House. They have a pretty good drop rate so you should be able to collect some while mining Thorium. The three best places to mind Thorium are the Burning Steppes, the Eastern Plaguelands, and Winterspring. Ie had a good amount of success in the Eastern Plaguelands, but I sure it varies from server to server. Now, since these places might be a little crowded, you can head over to Unoro and mine Thorium from some veins in that area. It not uncommon to make over 50 gold an hour just mining Thorium and Arcane Crystals in these areas. I hope youe found this little World of Warcraft Mining Guide to be helpful. At the very least, you now know where to go to make some easy gold via mining. Make sure you have plenty of room for you mining loot. Nothing worse than only being able to mine only a few stacks of Thorium before heading back to the Auction House to unload. Time is money in World of Warcraft. Being able to bring more loot back to the auction house means more gold in your pocket. Want more WoW Mining Tips or to learn Valkor secrets to making 200 gold an hour through 100% legit tips? Pick up Valkor Gold Making Guide and find out how he does it.
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WoW Profession Guide - What's the Best Profession For a Warlock
2011-05-04 16:26
Almost any WoW profession guide can become pretty tedious in practice. Although a certain profession combination may work great for one player, that same combination can be completely useless for another. The problem with any WoW profession guide is that it ignores the circumstances of the individual reading it.This Warlock profession guide is written with a different intent.
There are many great profession combination's that can work very well with a diverse class like the Warlock, and the goal of this guide is for you to take away the best possible profession for your Warlock's playing style.Warlocks are amazingly powerful damage dealers in World of Warcraft, but can be somewhat of a glass cannon at times since their armor is entirely cloth. Although since Wrath of the Lich King Warlock gear has become spirit based, both intellect and stamina are still very important.
Many Warlocks choose to focus more on intellect than stamina due to the nice damage bonuses, but they lose health as a consequence. As a Warlock, it's important to pick your profession carefully so that you can level efficiently without being afraid of dying--unless you have an extremely fat wallet, you're going to need that extra gold later!Enchanting and TailoringThe most common profession for Warlocks is definitely the Enchanting/Tailoring combo.
Warlocks can be an expensive class because of all the potions required during regular leveling, and making your own armor can definitely help reduce the overall cost of leveling a Warlock. Because only cloth armor is worn, Tailoring becomes the most obvious choice as a profession. A Warlock can create very nice pre-raid armor through Tailoring. However, the best aspect of becoming a tailor is that it allows players to create their own bags. Bags can be surprisingly expensive in the world of Azeroth, and it can really save some gold to be able to make your own. Even better, bags sell for huge profit in the Auction House.
The best bag for a Warlock is the Abyssal Bag, which is a Soul bag that can hold up to 32 Soul Shards. Any player that levels a Warlock for long enough knows how frustrating carrying around Soul Shards can become. Enchanting can strongly supplement this choice because a few good enchants can significantly improve a Warlocks PVP and PVE experience. Although all good players and classes use enchants, it is almost essential for a Warlock to use enchants as it becomes much more important in DPS classes.
Disenchanting can be quite profitable and can turn useless junk into Auction House treasure. A player can disenchant many common items into essences, shards, and dust that they can then use to fund their enchanting.Herbalism and AlchemyIt's no secret that Warlocks burn through mana and healing potions at an amazing speed regardless of build.
Choosing the Herbalism and Alchemy professions puts Warlocks at an advantage in raids and instances as well as PVE. Elixers and flasks are great for improving raid and instance performance, and the Auction House profits aren't bad, either. The Life Blood buff, acquired by becoming a Herbalist, can be a real life saver in a tough battle as it can heal for 2000hp over five seconds. Since many Warlock talents require sacrificing health for mana, this can be an extremely useful buff for any player.
OtherAnother useful Warlock profession is Inscription, which you can use to create stat enhancing glyphs to either use or auction. Warlocks, depending on their build, may have a hard time questing and raiding due to low mana. The injectors for healing potions and mana potions can be extremely useful. Choosing the Engineering profession not only allows a Warlock to create injectors but also Goggles, which are favored by DPS caster classes. Although certainly not the most directly useful Profession to leveling, some Warlocks opt to become Miners simply for the Toughness buff. This buff can improve your Stamina by 50 which can help especially during AoE.
Understanding World of Warcraft Economy
2011-04-30 14:45
Understanding the World of Warcraft economy can be a challenging and overwhelming task to the new player. The good news is that the system is not nearly as
intimidating as it appears to be to many. As a matter of fact, it has been established that the in-game economy is much like the economy in the "real" world.
In this article, I will offer some in-depth information regarding the basics of the World of Warcraft economy.
By learning these basics, and keeping them in mind as you attempt to accumulate gold for your character, you will find that you will be much more
successful.The Concept of Supply and DemandThe concept of supply and demand in World of Warcraft is much the same as the economy of the world that we live
in. There are limits or "supply" of any particular item or the items in the game in general. The demand aspect is the amount of players that seek the
particular items.
If a small amount of people want certain items, then naturally those items have a low demand because the amount that is supplied is sufficient. The costs
associated with these items will generally be low. If a large number of people want the same type of item, and there is a limited supply, then the overall
demand is increased. This results in those items being sold for much more than if the demand was low.RarityRarity ties right in with supply and demand when
it comes to the World of Warcraft economy.
When you stumble upon items in the game, you will notice that the title or name of that item often has a certain color associated with it. These colors are
gray, white, green, blue, purple, and orange. Each of the colors that are associated with these items determines the overall "rarity" of the item. Below, you
will find the rarity of the colors mentioned here:
1. Gray items are considered to be "poor" when it comes to rarity, which means that they lack value, or there is a large supply in the game.
2. White items are considered to be "common". While these items are worth a bit more than the gray in-game items, they are, well, just common.
3. Green items are considered to be "uncommon" and are worth money in the World of Warcraft economy.
4. Blue items are "rare" and can be worth quite a bit because the demand is high, and the supply is actually relatively low.
5. Purple items are referred to as "epic" and are extremely difficult to come across, so the demand for them makes them worth several, several gold in the
6. Orange items are considered to be "legendary" and have the lowest supply, and the highest demand. This means that these items are worth the highest
dollar in the World of Warcraft economy.
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The World of Warcraft Mining Profession
2011-04-28 14:50
Mining in Warcraft has become the best gold makers. Just be sure to sell your stuff in the Auction House in smelted stacks. The Cash out option is one of the best advantages when you sell so ensure you use it. It's often https://chaosknight.webgarden.com/ far better to smelt copper and tin into bronze or the opposite way round. Ensure to check out the going price and determine if selling the bases or perhaps the product will sell for more.
In southern Kalimdor you will find Tanaris, a level 40-50 zone. There are many mineral ores which will cause you to be filthy rich. You can start at Gadgetzan and cut across the desert to begin. Make sure you check all of the https://lichkingjoker.terapad.com/index.cfm?fa=contentGeneric.nsdkpjjqzpdfyehb rocks and croppings on the way. The location is dangerous with alot of spawns. Travel along the edge, and then back around the outter boundary circling the map. Thistleshrub valley also has several hot spots in addition to Un'Goro crater, Zul'Farrak as well as the areas close to Gadgetzan. Mining mithril might be a bit hard at low level, but the having the copper and tin will help you get some extra gold to spare until higher level. Should you be level 50 you should be able to farm mithril fine.
Lower level mining skill keep in mind wouldn't cause you to as much as being on top of the chart and we understand it may be a little difficult or frustrating to level. It may take about 1 hour to get to tin level so its not bad. However tin is a little more aggravating. Near ashenvale there is a place with harpies which has a few nice spots. From there keep to the wall and go south, head over to South Barrens. go around Scorpid, Bristleback and Razormane and you should be able to level your tin very quickly.
Mithril is paramount to make probably the most World of warcraft gold. Engineering and Blacksmiths both need massive amounts to produce the things with their skills. Mithril usually sells off quickly a fantastic price in the auction house.
This is a simple tip in order to make money at low level. It would be easier should you be an Orc or Troll because of their starting location. Orcs and Troll starts in durotar, for other races you need to travel a bit further but it should all work pretty well.
You need to become a Journeyman miner to begin. Durotar has got the highest number of copper veins so would be the most ideal place. Once you've collected a good amount of copper ore, return to the forge and smelt them. As soon as your copper ore is turned into bars, follow the path from Razor Hill north to Ogrimmar and then head to the auction house. Talk to one of many auctioneers and set price to 40 silver for buyout and make the charge 45-60 silver per 20 copper bars. I've seen stacks of copper bars go https://www.simplesite.com/Deathknight/51599925 for 4 gold but average seems more around 80 silver pieces to 1 gold piece. Make sure to look into the prices in the auction house first before listing. It is really an ideal way to make money at low level.