Gold Farming Guide For WoW Cataclysm

2011-05-21 13:59


Players of World of Warcraft are always looking for ways of making gold wow gold. The gold making aspect is the second most important thing in the whole game, the first one is of course leveling (getting to 85). And as you probably know, there's a lot of new gold guides for the new World of Warcraft Cataclysm expansion, some of these contains quite a lot of useful information for anyone interested in the gold making aspect of the game. I personally prefer the auction house over regular farming but maybe that's just me, some people prefer doing some old school gold farming in the Cataclysm expansion.

Gold farming is however more of a gold making strategy for people that aren't that used to the auction house, there are of course exceptions for when people have found a really profitable farming spot, but generally speaking, if you want to make some gold, you should start of as a gold farmer and then move on to the auction house once you get around 5-10,000 gold. But if you just want a few general tips on how to farm gold in WoW Cataclysm, I'll give you some.

Gold Farming Basics

Gold farming is pretty simple to be honest, you basically just need to find yourself a good farming spot. But the way of getting there can be quite hard for some, the reason for this is that most of the farming spots are now really crowded, most of this is because the Cataclysm expansion.

With the new expansion, people will of course need a lot more gold for all of their needs, such as raiding, PvP, PvE, Leveling alts, etc. So the amount of people that are currently farming for WoW gold is now higher than ever, so if you go to one of the normal spots, you'll probably have to compete against 5-10 other players for a single mob, and that mob isn't even guaranteed to drop an item that's worth anything.

So what you need to do is quite simple, find a new spot. If you want to be a successful gold farmer then you need to find something that's your own. If you're taking the FoTM (Flavor of The Month) farming spot then you're up against an army of competition.

If I may give you a suggestion, try some of the old content. I've been doing this at the start of Cataclysm expansion because it's basically no competition and you'll have an easy time selling the items you receive on the auction house. Go to a level 60 raid instance and just solo it, you won't just get awesome items but the bosses drops quite a lot of gold themselves.

Do you want more time for the fun parts in World of Warcraft? Do you want to make more gold without having to work harder? Well listen hard, You are about to discover how to make up to 40.000 gold every week. STOP working harder for your gold and learn to work smarter! Get The 20k leveling guide Now!

You may also check out this WoW Gold Making Guide website for some free gold making tips but I highly recommend the 20k Cataclysm Gold Guide above.

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