The Official Activities: Speak out Mists of Pandaria in Your Mind

2012-01-19 10:14


Since the giant earthquakes wow items  and landslides happened ten thousand years ago, the ancient Pandaria has been obscured by heavy fog, staying away from the chaos of war. Here, the mountain with buy wow gold  dense forest and winding cloud gave birth to the unique and diverse species -- including the noble and mysterious pandaren. And that is the actor of our next expansion pack, Mist of Pandaria. The lovely pandaren will company wow gold  us to begin our way of getting wow gold and leveling up.

In 2011, BlizzCon, World of Warcraft new expansion pack Mists of Pandaria officially announced. Although the Mists of Pandaria is still in the process of swtor credits development, it still needs time to meet with you. But in wow gold  the future, do you have any special suggestions for this expansion pack?

Well, if you have very good ideas to buy wow gold  expansion pack Mists of Pandaria, from now until the end of 2011, please send your ideas through E-mail sent to us, we will put those sounds cool and buy wow gold  great ideas back to the world of Warcraft development team.

Maybe ( uh, Please note, is" Maybe") as  wow gold  Mists of Pandaria comes, you'll find out, your idea really realize in the game!
